• Question: how do magnets attract?

    Asked by whocares to Gemma on 27 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Gemma Purser

      Gemma Purser answered on 27 Jun 2012:

      Wow!! this is a tough question!! Its something we just take for granted and it seems like it should be a really simple easy thing to explain. I will give it my best shot from a chemists point of view…Ive never been too good with the physics though.

      Everything is made of atoms, which are like building blocks. Each atom is made of a nucleus (containing protons and neutrons) and surrounding the nucleus is a charge cloud containing electrons. Protons are positive and electrons are negative. not all atoms are the same though. some have more or less protons, neutron and electrons (this is what gives us different elements).
      Electrons are the things that allow bond between atoms to be made. The number of electrons in an atom that can be involved with bonding is called the valency. Its these electrons and their position in an element like iron that will cause it to either attract or repel another piece of iron.

      I have a friend of a fiend who knows about magnets im sure she would have loved this question! Sorry I cant help you that much on this one. Some of the others might be able to add more to it hopefully.
