• Question: Can scientists believe in God

    Asked by josielouise to Davie, Gemma, James P, James V, Nuala on 25 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: James Pope

      James Pope answered on 25 Jun 2012:

      Hi josielouise,

      Scientists can believe in God, and while I don’t, some of my friends in science do believe in God, a couple going every sunday to church and one to a mosque. I’m a strong believer that religion and science should not be seen as two sides to a debate, as I think they bring very different things to peoples lives.

      My Dad was a Church of England vicar, he was also fascinated by science and supported my enjoyment of science throughout my growing up years. He loved space and we had many great times such as watching Apollo 13 in the cinema together and going to the Science Museum. While he was a Christian with a very strong faith, he also believed in evolution, to him it was Gods finest work, a wonderfully simple yet complicated mechanism for creating and developing life.

      He was spectacularly proud of what I was doing as a climate science and was really excited about the fact I was going to do a PhD, he really enjoyed hearing what I was going to study and in his memory I will dedicate my Thesis (the end of PhD work) to him, as he sadly died just weeks before I began my PhD.

    • Photo: Nuala Carson

      Nuala Carson answered on 26 Jun 2012:

      Hey Josielouise,

      Although I do consider myself religious I don’t know if i actually believe in ‘God’ per say. Maybe more like something science cant explain. I think the real benifit of religion is to do with how you should live your life. Sometime religion and science can disagree on some topics but you can definitely be both!

    • Photo: Gemma Purser

      Gemma Purser answered on 29 Jun 2012:

      Scientists can believe in God if they want to. Science and religion are separate things to me except of course like James says when it comes to how was life created. But in science there are still things that cant be explained by one theory alone and so all theories have equal weight until one can be proved or disproved.
