Asked by unclepolly to Davie, Gemma, James P, James V, Nuala on 22 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Nuala Carson

      Nuala Carson answered on 22 Jun 2012:

      Ha ha well i can truthfully say that I have never been so bored that i feel asleep standing up. Sitting at my desk is a whole other story though. Science is a really interesting subject to work in but for all the exciting bits there are some pretty boring bits too. The thing is you have to do the boring bits so you can do the exciting bits so it all kind of balances itself out.

    • Photo: James Pope

      James Pope answered on 22 Jun 2012:

      Hi unclepolly

      I totally agree with Nuala, there are some really dull bits, but they are mixed in with the exciting bits as well. If I know I have boring tasks to do, then I sandwich them around interesting tasks so I can focus on it. I also tend to reward myself with cake or chocolate when I complete the boring work (having used chocolate raisins to get through!)

      As for falling alseep, I have to be lying down, bed, couch, wooden floor, beach, where ever it is, I have be fully stretched out and on my side to have a chance of dozing off!

    • Photo: James Verdon

      James Verdon answered on 22 Jun 2012:

      I don’t think I’ve ever fallen asleep standing up, but work definitely has its boring days. For me the most boring are probably when I’m analysing large quantities of data, and you have to pick each earthquake one by one and process it. Usually I get some good music on, and just get through the whole lot as quickly as possible to get onto the more interesting stuff.

      But I guarantee, whether you’re a scientist or in any other job, sometimes you just have days that bore your pants off!!!

    • Photo: Gemma Purser

      Gemma Purser answered on 22 Jun 2012:

      For me even though preparing samples its very important stuff and needs to be done right it can get a bit boring if theres lots to do! Like James V though I just put the tunes on the MP3 player, have a bit of a sing-a-long and get them done……theres always having a catch up with my mates at break that helps to make the day more interesting too!

      I agree with the others though……some days are boring but you can get through them because you know tomorrow is another day and there are days when you get to do some really cool fun stuff which is great!

    • Photo: Davie Galloway

      Davie Galloway answered on 25 Jun 2012:

      not so far … but sometimes in my work there are some boring things that have to be done … i haven’t yet fallen asleep though (that’s all you’re getting from me … in case my boss reads this) 🙂
