• Question: whats youre favourite type of rock

    Asked by ollieneary to James V, Davie, Gemma, James P, Nuala on 25 Jun 2012. This question was also asked by jonty2600.
    • Photo: James Verdon

      James Verdon answered on 25 Jun 2012:

      Hi ollieneary,
      I’m not sure I have a favourite. I’m more interested in how they react when stress acts on them (which leads to faults and earthquakes).

      But since you ask, I guess pegmatites (really awesome igneous rocks with massive crystals) and tectonites, which are created by really large shear forces on faults. Have a look for them on Wikipedia

    • Photo: James Pope

      James Pope answered on 2 Jul 2012:

      Hi ollieneary and jonty2600,

      My favourite rock type is sedimentary rocks, specifically sandstone. I always loved all the structures you find in them and how you can learn about the environments they were deposited in based on grain size, angles of deposition and what type of material and any clasts (other rocks and pebbles) they contain.
